

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Reviving Blog

Dear Readers, 

I am happy to announce that I  will be reviving this blog in some 
Form, after a long period of not
Posting. Or,  I maybe moving
The contents to a new blog and starting
Over. I will keep you updated.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

17th Cenury Unicorn Hoax!
©2016 Lori L. Simpson

Otto von Guericke (1602-1686) German scientist, politician,scientist and inventor faked this unicorn skeleton in 1678. He used prehistoric animal bones of a wooly rhinoceros, a mammoth and the tusk of a narwhale.
The skeleton is near the entrance of the Zoo of Osmabrück, in Germany.
Photo found on Wikicommons.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Mrs. Claus

The Origins of Mrs. Claus
©2016 Lori L. Simpson

Many people have heard of the
fictional Christmas holiday figure of
Mrs. Claus, or Mrs. Santa Claus.
But few know her origins.

The modern Mrs. Santa Claus first appeared in an an 1850 story called "A Christmas Legend" authored by James Reese.

Pre-Christan religions had winter-associated Gods who had wives as well.

In addition there are and  have been legendary  female gift givers such as Italy's Christmas persona La Befana. Also, several Northern countries pre-Christan Frau Holle.

La Befana traditionally leaves
Gifts in children's shoes.

Frau Holle granted   good crops and left practical presents such as coal and flax pods. When she shook out her feather bed, snow blanketed the land.

Artistic depictions of Mrs. Claus today
are varied. She has perhaps become
as much a part of secular Christmas culture in some areas of the world as
her husband.  How might you
Picture her?

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Sorry for the delays in posting here

Dear Readers,

I'm sorry about my not having
Posted here in so long.
I've had some health problems
To deal with, and now a personal
Tradgedy of sorts. I am still
Dedicated to the idea behind
This blog.
At the time it might be
Easier for me to keep up
With things through
My Facebook page
Actual Legends and the Twitter
account @ActualLegends.
Thank you for your patience and support!

Lori L. Simpson

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Unlucky #7

Unlucky #7
©2016 Lori L. Simpson

*Legends say that if
You are the 7th Son of a
7th Son, you're doomed to
become a Vampire!*

Friday, November 25, 2016

Quick Fact

©2016 Lori L. Simpson

*It was believed
Unicorns  purified
Poisoned water by dipping
Their horns in it.*

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Mythical Creatures, Real Advertising Post 1

Mythical Creatures
Real Advertising
©2016- Lori L. Simpson

These are some examples
of how folkloric creatures
have been used in

I neither promote these
products nor do I receive
ANY payment for showing
them. I simply present them
for their folkloric and art-
istic value.

From Top To Bottom-

*A Matchbook or Match
Box Cover.
*Antique Playing Card
*French Perfume Label.